What we saw was a circular band of light about the size of 1/4 a football field. Across the diameter of the circle was an X. The whole thing was about 300 ft. up in the air traveling to our right and toward a hill. It moved about 20 mph and was spinning about the speed of a somewhat fast second hand.
We stared at it until it disappeared over the hill, then without saying anything, we turned toward eachother quickly, and mentally asked eachother, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!?!" Without answering, we ran down the street to our home. We went inside and didn't say anything to anyone until the next day, because we felt nobody would believe us since we were young. The next day we mentioned it to some people in our neighborhood, they said they saw the same thing, and at school it turned out that many people had also seen it.
That same week, one night after midnight when the whole family was asleep. I was sleeping on the floor in our living room. I woke up because I felt someone was there. I got a creepy feeling and went upstairs, I saw these little black men about 1.5 ft. high coming up the stairs behind me. They had large heads in ratio to their bodies and their foreheads were bulging w/ viens. Their skin was shiny black and they wore some type of uniform. This freaked me out and at the top of the stars, I banged on my parents door to wake them up. They didn't respond and these "men" were almost up to me, so I ran to my room (which I shared w/ my little brother). I closed & locked the door and started to wake up my brother. These "men" were fiddling w/ the door and trying to get in. They didn't seem to be in any hurry and I could hear their voices mumbling as if they desperately needed me for something. As soon as my brother started to stir, the noise at my door stopped and the house was very quiet within a few seconds. I opened the door a little after and they were gone. I never saw anything like this ever again and this was the only UFO experience I have EVER had.
Recently, here in Hawaii, a friend of mine said he had seen the same circular-X ufo.
-Robert Carlson (Jet)